Interested in professional lice removal services? Head lice is such a widespread problem for schoolchildren today that many parents, stressed and pressed for time, are relieved to hire a dedicated professional to get lice and eggs out of their children’s hair.

Head lice services are springing up in cities all around world. Professionals can draw on their experience, knowledge and standardized procedures to conquer the lice more quickly.

In some cases, the proprietors will come to your home to do the nitpicking. Other services operate a sort of hair salon, specifically for removing lice. These salons often provide videos for the kids to watch while the treatment takes place.

Most of these businesses will charge an hourly rate for their services. They also usually offer “head checks” (checking a person’s head for lice and nits) for a set fee.

Most professional services (though not all) use something to treat for lice before removing nits. I have noticed that many of them use enzyme lice shampoos. This doesn’t surprise me because I think using an enzyme shampoo and a good lice comb is one of the best ways currently available to get rid of lice and nits.

Several questions to consider asking before booking an appointment with a lice removal specialist:

  • Does your service use a product to treat head lice before removal? If so, how does the product work?
  • Is the product toxic to humans, at any dosage? Are there risks or potential side effects of using the product? Should I be on the lookout for an allergic reaction to the product?
  • What is the success rate of your service? (What proportion of clients remain lice-free for two months?)
  • What sort of a guarantee do you provide?
  • Is your company bonded and insured for in-home visits (if applicable)?
  • What certifications or licensing does your company maintain?
  • What follow-up procedures will I need to complete at home (housecleaning, further hair treatment, etc.)?
  • What are your recommendations for preventing a repeat lice infestation?

Make sure you understand the pricing and policies of the service before making an appointment. And remember– it’s crucial to complete the professional provider’s instructions for follow-up.

If you provide lice removal services (or if you know of a such a service in your area), please send us information about the company so that we can include it in our list of professional lice removal specialists. Thank you!